For Friendly Assistance: CIP ENGINE PARTS Phone: 713 864 7084 or 832-230-1723 Fax: 713 864 5190 Email us at:
Finally, a place where you can buy any and all of the parts available for the old Continental engines in one place. Whether the engine is in a forklift, a welder, a tractor, or a skidsteer we can help. We can provide diesel engine parts, gasoline engine parts, or engine rebuild kits for the consumer or the repair shop. Until now it was hit or miss with the parts and even the companies that are left may have limited parts for sale. We specialize in finding hard to find parts. We also carry parts for other engines that are not listed; call to see if we have parts for your engine.
We also have in-house services to provide reconditioned parts for the customer needing that service. You will find a good selection of replacement parts for engines such as Allis Chalmers, Continental, Cummins, Hercules, Perkins, and Waukesha.